Roger Stone Reiterates: Brits Did It
March 22, 2017 (EIRNS)—Trump friend Roger Stone, second only to Paul Manafort on the current "Trump associates tied to Russia" hit-list, is swinging back hard against the "demagogery, red baiting, fearmongering and half-truths" slung around in Monday’s House Intelligence Committee hearing, as he told the Los Angeles Times, amongst others.
Nor is he backing down on the role of the British in the ‘Get Trump’ affair. Stone told the Daily Mail that Judge Napolitano is correct; the British government did spy on Donald Trump.
"My own sources high up in the Tory government, who are quite powerful, assured me that there was surveillance by the Brits. Of course they deny it; that’s their job,"
he said.
Stone is telling all and sundry he would welcome the opportunity to testify before the House or Senate on his alleged Russian ties. As for Sen. John McCain’s charge that Stone needs to explain his ties to Russia and Yanukovich, Stone told the Central Florida Post, "No, McCain needs to explain his ties to the Saudis, who I see wrote a very large check for his institute." Stone expressed his "deep concern" over McCain’s mental health, suggesting that a psychological exam is in order.