Counterattack Escalates Against ‘Trumpgate’
March 25, 2017 (EIRNS)—Three members of the House Judiciary Committee, including its Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), have just fired a shot across the bow of those in the intelligence community who are scrambling to cover up for "those who feloniously disseminate classified or otherwise legally protected information," i.e., the individuals and agencies responsible for the orchestrated leaks to try to topple the Trump administration over supposed ties to Russia.
In a March 24 open letter to Attorney General Sessions, Director of National Intelligence Coats, and the heads of the FBI (Comey), NSA (Rogers) and CIA (Pompeo), the three Intelligence Committee congressmen—Goodlatte, Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), and Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.)—demanded that they provide information on
"any efforts made by your agencies to identify those who feloniously disseminate classified or otherwise legally protected information and bring them to justice."
The letter stated that the House and Senate Intelligence Committees have oversight over the intelligence community directly, but the Senate and House Judiciary Committees have primary oversight over the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act provions, whose Section 702 authorizes "surveillance that reportedly encompasses more than a quarter of all NSA surveillance." But
"because of the aforementioned disclosures [surrounding the Trump administration], many Members of Congress are distrustful of these capabilities and fear the consequences if wrongdoers within the government continue to disseminate information feloniously."
Since Section 702 is scheduled to expire on Dec. 31, 2017, the three congressmen asked that these matters be clarified immediately, including coughing up the specifics of who was involved in the leaks against the Trump team, or Section 702 would probably not be renewed.
This development comes on top of the ongoing hearings held by the House Intelligence Committee chaired by Rep. Devin Nunes, which have put the FBI and others in the Obama administration in the crosshairs for possible criminal leaks against Trump et al. On March 24, three Trump associates who have been attacked in the media and by Obama operatives for their purported ties to Russia, called the bluff by offering to voluntarily testify before the Intelligence Committee. Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and Carter Page each sent letters to the House Intelligence Committee on March 24 with their offer. The letter from Stone’s lawyer stated that his client
"deeply resents that several members" of the committee "have intimated that he has committed treason in his political press, and social media activities."
He is offering to testify “
without the necessity of a subpoena [as he] is anxious to redress the false and misleading way he has been portrayed by some on the Permanent Select Committee."