Dr. Postol Exposes Fraud of White House Report on Alleged Syrian Sarin Gas Attack
April 20, 2017 (EIRNS)—In the fourth in a series of devastating exposés, Ted Postol, MIT Professor Emeritus of Science, Techonology and International Security, proves beyond any doubt that the sarin gas attack that allegedly occurred in Khan Sheikhoun on April 4 could not possibly have occurred as claimed in the White House Intelligence Report (WHR) of April 11, or in the doctored videos provided as evidence.
Dr. Postol provides two significant pieces of evidence.
First, the only location that could have been affected by the alleged nerve agent release is a small hamlet, about 300 meters to the east-southeast of the crater which the WHR claims was the sarin dispersal site.
Among the hundreds of videos posted on YouTube and Twitter as evidence, "there seems to be no more than 50 to 60 seconds of actual original scenes," Postol notes.
"The vast majority of time in the videos contains the same repeated sequences of the same dead and injured infants and adults, that could all be collected into less than a couple of minutes of independent scenes.... Almost none of the scenes contains any different information from the others."
Yet these videos purporting to show mass casualties, and dead and dying men, women and children,
"clearly could not have been at the location of the hamlet, as one can see that the walls surrounding the area are carved out of rock. Thus, this scene could not possibly have been at this hamlet,"
Postol asserts.
EIR adds that in fact, if you look at the photographs, these "walls carved of rock" are highly unique and unusual. When the actual location where these videos were really made is determined, it will probably become pretty obvious exactly how this entire atrocity was faked.
It is remarkable, Postol continues, that none of the many video journalists who reported from the crater area, referred in any way to the mass casualties that "could have occurred 300 meters away if the attack had been executed from this crater."
Moreover, those "health workers" at the alleged sarin dispersal site, the crater, are wearing no protective gear. Had this been a sarin attack, they would have died or suffered severe injuries.
Postol concludes that his abbreviated summary of the facts demonstrates,
"without doubt, that the sarin dispersal site alleged as the source of the April 4, 2017 sarin attack in Khan Sheikhoun was not a nerve agent attack site. It also shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that the only mass casualty site that could have resulted from this mass attack, is not in any way related to the sites that are shown in video following a poisoning event of some kind at Khan Sheikhoun."
"the allegedly high-confidence White House intelligence assessment issued on April 11, that led to the conclusion that the Syrian government was responsible for the attack, is not correct. For such a report to be so egregiously in error, it could not possibly have followed the most simple and proven intelligence methodologies to determine the veracity of its findings."