Sen. Warren Reiterates: Glass-Steagall Now!
April 20, 2017 (EIRNS)—In the context of the release of her new book "This Fight Is Our Fight—The Battle to Save America’s Middle Class," Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) again made a very strong case for an immediate restoration of the 1933 Glass-Steagall banking separation act, speaking last night on the Charlie Rose show.
Warren, at one point, said that Glass-Steagall has to be passed, and that President Trump has stated his support for it. She has introduced legislation for three years now, she said.
"Let’s do it. We should do it, you bet." She recounted the recent White House meeting with bankers, and how she had asked Director of the National Economic Council Gary Cohn about Glass-Steagall, and he had responded positively.
She said, it’s time to come to the table over Glass-Steagall. "I mean the real one." Later in the discussion, she reiterated her point: "Glass-Steagall must be restored and Gary Cohn has stated support for it."