Italian Delegation Calls for Arresting Kiev Regime
May 6, 2017 (EIRNS)—An Italian delegation including a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) has called for putting Ukraine's Kiev regime on trial for war crimes in the Donbass. The regime of President Petro Poroshenko has, in turn, issued a statement calling for arresting the Italian delegation.
Giorgio Cremaschi, a former national trade union leader who was part of the delegation, wrote in l’AntiDiplomatico that the Kiev government
"should be arrested and brought to The Hague Court for their war crimes. We have seen those crimes and it is for this reason that the gentlemen in Kiev got angry. In every populated center in the People’s Republics in Donetsk and Lugansk we have seen photos of women, men, children killed by their bombs. We have seen houses, schools and universities demolished by their artillery, which every day terrorize the population. We have heard them too. We have been uncomfortable witnesses and furthermore, we have performed a terrible crime in the eyes of Kiev: We brought toys and medicine, this is a crime which the Ukrainian government fascist gangs can kill for.
"Tell the truth, the citizens of the Donbass republic said to us wherever we met them. Even those who speak only Russian, the language everyone speaks there.... The truth is that the Kiev government is carrying out a war of extermination for purposes of ethnic cleansing and therefore they do not want witnesses. We are just that, simple witnesses of truth, and we hope that many others are coming in order to destroy the fake news bubble with which EU and NATO are justifying the war of the Ukrainian putschists, who must end up in the only place they deserve: in jail."