Trump Hardens in Face of Assault: ‘We Will Cooperate with Russia’
May 16, 2017 (EIRNS)—Twice during the day, Tuesday, President Donald Trump doubled down on his decision to seek strategic and security cooperation with Russia, in the face of howling for his impeachment by the New Cold War yellow press.
In Twitter messages this morning, Trump said that he has "an absolute right" to share information with other nations: "I did it for humanitarian reasons, and I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against ISIS and terrorism." He said he wanted to present Russia with "facts pertaining to terrorism and airline flight safety."
Then, after statements at noon with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, with some reporters yelling questions, Trump said:
"We had a very successful meeting with the Foreign Minister of Russia. The fight is against ISIS. Our relations are successful on this, and we are going to improve them. Our relations are going to be successful with Turkey as well."
Before the two Presidents met at the White House, the Washington Post edition which charged President Trump with passing secrets to "adversary" Russia, had also given exiled right-wing cleric Fethullah Gülen an op-ed to urge that Trump tell Erdogan to stop purges in Turkey. Trump went into the meetings saying that the two would have "long and hard discussions." "Our relationship is successful, our meetings here today will make it more successful."
After the lunch meeting, they made statements to the press. Erdogan said,
"We agree that we are going to expand our relations in the fields of economy, trade, reciprocal investments, and defense industries. We will cooperate more closely in fighting terrorism. We will not repeat the mistakes of the past." ....
"President Trump’s election victory has led to new expectations and hopes in our region."