South Africa Ruling Party Foresees Attempt To Assassinate Zuma
June 4, 2017 (EIRNS)—The ongoing, intense demonization of South African President Jacob Zuma is intended to create an environment in which his assassination would appear to be “the logical thing to do,” said Deputy Finance Minister Sfiso Buthelezi on June 2, in delivering the keynote at a Cadres’ Forum of the ruling African National Congress (ANC) in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. He referred to Chris Hani having been demonized before his assassination in 1993. The killing of Hani, chief of staff of the ANC’s armed wing, would have led to a race war if Nelson Mandela had not made a strategic intervention, insisting that South Africans remain calm.
Buthelezi explained that Zuma had “touched the nerve of a powerful bloc” that was attempting to hold onto its economic power, although Buthelezi did not identify the British Empire in its current form as the beast to which he referred. The “powerful bloc,” he said, is being threatened by the Zuma government’s plans for radical economic transformation, including the spending of $39 billion on infrastructure development.
Ongoing operations on behalf of the Empire by networks—including those of George Soros and Barack Obama—have assassination as an option.