Edward Lozansky: America, Return to Reagan’s Approach to Russia
June 12, 2017 (EIRNS)—The unprecedented anti-Russia hysteria of Washington’s political class and media is dangerous and escalating, Dr. Edward Lozansky warned yesterday in an op-ed in the conservative Washington Times, warning that the demonization of Russia and Putin may soon reach a "point of no return from the possibility of war."
Professor Lozansky, head of the American University in Moscow, writes presciently,
"There is no doubt in the minds of those who have not been brainwashed by the media that the Russia card is just a useful tool directed against Donald Trump by the Clinton camp and the establishment from both parties who detest [Trump’s] domestic and foreign policy reforms."
"Trump’s logical reasoning" of working with Russia to fight radical Islamic terrorism is used as "a proof that he is a Putin stooge," Lozansky observes, but by the same reasoning, FDR’s alliance with Stalin to defeat the Nazis could be condemned....
"Why was it alright [sic] for Reagan to find common language with Mikhail Gorbachev and the then-communist U.S.SR, while any suggestions from Trump to attempt the same with Putin and post-communist Russia leads to the calls for impeachment?"
Not only are many of the details of the Reagan-Gorbachev talks available, so are many members of Reagan’s inner circle, like James Baker, Pat Buchanan, Chas Freeman, Jack Matlock, Dana Rohrabacher, David Stockman, and others, says Lozansky, who could give us "advice about how to resolve this crisis, and the time is now."
He notes Trump and Putin are expected to meet on the margins of the G20 summit in Hamburg (July 7-8), and
"the good news both Presidents are eager to work towards a mutually beneficial U.S.-Russia relationship. We need Reagan’s wise men to help overcome the efforts of those who have other goals and objectives which have nothing to do ... with the survival of humanity."
Lozansky cites Reagan’s conclusion:
"Some of the people who are objecting the most ... whether they realize it or not, those people, basically, down in their deepest thoughts have accepted that war is inevitable."
But "Reagan refused to accept what others considered inevitable, and this is what Trump must do as well," Lozansky concludes.
On July 3, the American University in Moscow and the Burganov Museum will unveil a sculpture of Reagan and Gorbachev in downtown Moscow.