Kansas Cattlemen, Indiana Farmers Union Call for Glass-Steagall in Support of World Food-for-Peace Cooperation
July 15, 2017 (EIRNS)—In messages of support to the July 7 New York event, "Food for Peace and Thought: China-U.S. Agricultural Cooperation," the need for re-instating Glass-Steagall to restore sound banking and a credit system to the U.S.—to benefit farming advance for secure food, was stressed by representatives of the Kansas Cattlemen’s Association (KCA), and the Indiana Farmers Union. This same matter also came up in one-on-one talks July 8, between Chinese conference participants and farm leaders from South Dakota, Minnesota and Iowa, on a New York dairy farm tour and visit to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Hyde Park. It was further discussed on a July 13 national conference call by these farm belt activists, and others on a weekly LaRouche PAC "Fireside Chat" activists call. (The farm organization statements are posted in full on the Schiller Institute site, on the July 7 conference.)
The Kansas Cattlemen’s Association July 7 statement, by KCA CEO Tyler Dupy, noted that the U.S. cattle industry "remains primarily driven by independent ranches and family farms," unlike much other U.S. food output, which is "vertically integrated and is driven by large-scale corporate farming operations." Dupy stated,
"Our ranches are already playing a critical role on the World Stage of agriculture, and this conference will help to demonstrate that all of humanity is a stakeholder, and we all have a part to play as we move forward for food and for peace, for all.... We look forward to continuing our work on Glass-Steagall financial reform, as well as working with the Schiller Institute and you as participants in this conference, as we set out on this path."
James Benham, President of the Indiana Farmers Union, said in his July 7 statement,
"My understanding is that, in effect, China has a Glass-Steagall policy, and does not permit financial predator agencies from getting national bailouts for speculation. Plus, China has price-controls, which we need. We need parity and floor pricing here....
"There are Glass-Steagall bills today in both the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. Seventeen states have support resolutions before them, since January this year, for Congress to pass a Glass-Steagall re-enactment. Many are farm states, including Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, as well as Pennsylvania and New York."
He called for restoring "respect for one another for what each is trying to achieve" when it comes to leading a productive life.