Congressional McCarthyites Win on Anti-Russia Bill Trump Opposes
July 23, 2017 (EIRNS)—Most members of Congress have again bought the British intelligence and media "talking point," rejected by the American people, that Russia is a major adversary planning harm to the United States. House and Senate leaders have reportedly agreed on a new version of the anti-Iran/Russia sanctions bill, adding to it new financial sanctions on North Korea which previously passed the House as a separate bill. The House is to vote July 25, the Senate sometime this week.
President Trump and, publicly, Secretary of State Tillerson have opposed these war-sanctions aimed squarely against the progress for peace being made by cooperation between Trump and Russian President Putin. The New York Times gloated Sunday,
"Now, Mr. Trump could soon face a decision he hoped to avoid: veto the bill—a move that would fuel accusations that he is doing the bidding of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia—or sign legislation imposing sanctions his administration has opposed."
Democratic McCarthyite Sen. Ben Cardin lied, "A nearly united Congress is poised to send President Putin a clear message on behalf of the American people and our allies."
Both the American people and our non-British European allies oppose the sanctions. The European Commission immediately issued a statement reflecting German opposition in particular.
"We are concerned the measures discussed in the U.S. Congress could have unintended consequences, not only when it comes to Transatlantic/G7 unity, but also on EU economic and energy security interests,"
it said. "This impact could be potentially wide and indiscriminate, including when it comes to energy sources diversification efforts," the statement goes on. It argues that "sanctions are most effective when they’re coordinated but that unilateral measures undermine that effectiveness."
Presidential Press Secretary Sarah Sanders indicated Sunday that the President would likely sign the bill, though that is to be seen. The newly negotiated bill originates in the House, lets Congress block any lifting of sanctions within 30 days—though providing that the Senate must be first to do so—but removes the prohibition of oil companies’ deals with Russia, and delays some of the sanctions.