Anti-Nukes Take a Hit in New York, Losing Lawsuit Attacking Nuclear Power Plants
July 28, 2017 (EIRNS)—Yesterday, Federal judge Valerie Caproni, dismissed a law suit that had been filed in New York by "independent" power generator, which are unregulated, and have made out like bandits with federal subsidies, and under the state’s deregulated electricity market. The suit alleged that the state’s Public Service Commission had acted unconstitutionally (!), in preserving the state’s right to change the definition of "emission free," to now include nuclear, which entitles nuclear operators to subsidies. This sham was created to subsidize "green" non-greenhouse-gas-emitting power producers, but never included nuclear generation.
The nuclear industry has been under attack by these renewable generators, by the "traditional" anti-nuclear "environmentalists", and by the oil snd gas industry, which wants no competition to its natural gas boondoggle. The American Petroleum Institute has been running ads and lobbying campaigns in states that are trying to save nuclear plants threatened with shutdown.
A similar law suit was thrown out of court last month in Illinois, which state legislature had passed a law to protect its nuclear plants.