Britain’s Theresa May Continues Coverup of Saudi Funding of Extremism
Aug. 20, 2017 (EIRNS)—Following British Prime Minister Theresa May’s rejection of an appeal by survivors of the 9/11 terrorist attacks to publish a report on the role of Saudi Arabia in funding Islamic extremism in Britain, the survivors signed a public letter to May, that said:
"The U.K. now has the unique historic opportunity to stop the killing spree of Wahhabism-inspired terrorists by releasing the U.K. government’s report on terrorism financing in the U.K. which, according to media reports, places Saudi Arabia at its center of culpability,"
RT reported. "The longer Saudi Arabia’s complicity is hidden from sunlight, the longer terrorism will continue," the letter added.
May’s refusal to release the report has been called "shameful" by 9/11 victims. This is, of course, similar to the fight the U.S. victims of 9/11 put up to release the 28 pages of the Congressional 9/11 report, which exposed Saudi funding for the terror operation.
The battle to force the Tories into publishing their own report on the sources of terrorist funding, has been raging for a number of months now. May’s Tories claim that they cannot publish the report for reasons pertaining to national security and the volume of personal information it contains, Evolve Politics website noted.
Opposition Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn previously called for the report to be made public, following this years spate of terror attacks, a plea which was, of course, flatly rejected by May.