Washington Times: ‘Hack of DNC’ Theory Losing Ground to VIPS
Aug. 22, 2017 (EIRNS)—The "authoritative" theory that it was a Russian "hack" of the Democratic National Committee’s email server which revealed the DNC’s election-rigging for Hillary Clinton, is now losing ground to the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) Memorandum, which conclusively proves the DNC’s data was leaked, not hacked, Dan Boylan reports in the Aug. 21 Washington Times. The story’s title is: "DNC hack theories considered extreme and fringe now entering mainstream."
Boylan writes, "Theories once considered fringe... have begun entering the mainstream," and the VIPS claims are also strengthened by "reexamining statements made by former players in the drama, including former President Obama...".
The VIPS memo also conflicts with the U.S. intelligence community’s January 2017 claim that it was Russian operatives who orchestrated the cyberattack on the DNC computers, and point blank states that the intelligence agencies "made up" the existence of a "Guccifer 2.0" who had supposedly hacked the DNC network for Russia. Boylan writes,
"The FBI, CIA, and NSA never actually performed any cyberforensic analysis of the documents they claimed were hacked by Guccifer, and [which documents] offered clear evidence that the Russian cyrillic imprint had been superimposed, to pin the ’hack’ on Russia."
Boylan points out that none of the investigators have been able to "get their hands on the DNC’s computer network," for which "Crowdstrike" supposedly created a defense. VIPS leader Ray McGovern says that Crowdstrike could have been complicit in generating the "Russian hack" narrative, and that would explain why neither the FBI, CIA, NSA, nor any other major U.S. intelligence or law enforcement outfit has ever fully examined the DNC hack. McGovern points out, that "[Fired FBI Director] Jim Comey could have gotten authority to access the DNC server, but he never wanted to."