Kra Canal Conference To Bring Great Project Close to Realization
Aug. 28, 2017 (EIRNS)—EIR’s friend in Thailand Pakdee Tanapura, who has led the fight for the Kra Canal since his collaboration with Lyndon LaRouche to that purpose in the 1980s, has announced the agenda for a conference on Sep. 9 titled: International Conference On Technology For Sustainable Paths To Thailand’s Future Thai Canal: Comprehensive Study of Alternative Logistics Systems for the Maritime Silk Road." The conference will feature very-high-level speakers from Thailand, but also from around the world, indicating the very real potential that the project can finally move ahead.
It is Pakdee’s view that the departure from Thailand last week of deposed Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra (sister of similarly deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra), who fled rather than face sentencing in a politicized trial, may have been facilitated by the government to prevent any return to the polarization of the country, which existed before the coup in 2014 between the so-called Reds and the Yellows. This may also facilitate Prayut’s agreement to proceed with the Kra Canal.
Speakers from Thailand include Thanin Kraivichien, former Prime Minister, former President of the Supreme Court, and former Member of the Privy Council, indicating possible Royal support from the new King (the head of the Privy Council, Prem Tinsulanonda, has shown support for the Canal).
Among the several leading retired generals speaking is Gen. Saiyud Kerdphol, former Supreme Commander, who also spoke at the 1984 conference in Bangkok, addressed by Lyndon LaRouche and others from EIR.
The closing speech will be delivered by Prof. Dr. Suchatvee Suwansawat, President of prestigious King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang.
Dr. Norio Yamamoto, President of Global Infrastructure Fund (GIF) Foundation in Japan, also attended the 1984 conference from the Mitsubishi GIF, and will speak in September.
There are speakers on the Panama Canal (from Panama), the Suez Canal (from Malaysia), and the Keil Canal (from Germany). Many western and Asian business representatives will speak, as well as a Chinese representative of the UN Industrial Development Organization.
Many other experts on canals, transportation, and other disciplines will speak. The conference itself should be a dramatic statement on the importance of this Great Project finally coming to reality.