Nikki Haley Trashed for Anti-Iran Speech at AEI
Sept. 10, 2017 (EIRNS)—UN Ambassador Nikki Haley gave a speech on Sept. 5 to the American Enterprise Institute, in which she did her best to undermine the Iran Nuclear Treaty—something which is high on her list, just after Russia/Putin bashing—and set the stage for escalating conflict in the Middle East. Her lies were so egregious, that they brought about a "rebuttal" from former CIA official Paul Pillar, otherwise no Trump supporter himself.
Right from the start, Haley lied, claiming that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JPCOA, the official title for the "Iran Nuclear Agreement") "gave Iran what it wanted up-front," and that all the U.S. got in return were "temporary promises" from Iran in exchange.
"The truth," Pillar writes,
"is that Iran had to fulfill most of its obligations first—including disposing of excess enriched uranium, disassembling enrichment cascades, gutting its heavy water reactor, and much else—before the agreement was fully implemented and Iran got even a whiff of additional sanctions relief."
In reality, what we got was a "cementing closed" (with concrete literally poured into a nuclear reactor) "of all possible pathways to an Iranian nuclear weapon. This isn’t just a promise," Pillar points out, "this is major, material, already implemented change."
Haley tried to confuse the issue in other ways, characterizing the naturally complicated document as a "jigsaw puzzle," and further tried to "blur together" the topic of missile technology (not covered in the treaty) and nuclear weapons.
"Missing the nuclear weapons," Pillar observes, "Iran’s missile activity would barely merit an asterisk on any list of U.S. national security concerns" (emphasis added).
Perhaps revealing the next move of the neo-con warmongers—right now reeling from the sting of peace in Syria—Pillar claims that "the administration" will likely try to take advantage of a "vague clause" in the Corker Cardin bill (signed by Obama, it "authorized" the President to waive sanctions originally imposed by Congress) that stresses that sanctions relief must be "appropriate, proportionate," and in U.S. interests. Haley could then argue that the United States was not pulling out of the treaty itself, but reinstituting sanctions all the same.