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Resolution Monday in House To Get U.S. Out of Saudi War on Yemen

Sept. 21, 2017 (EIRNS)—Two Democratic Representatives will introduce a resolution on Sept. 25 calling for the United States to stop supporting the Saudi "coalition"’s genocidal war on Yemen. The Dear Colleague letter by Reps. Ro Khanna of California and Mark Pocan of Wisconsin begins:

"We invite you to join us as an original co-sponsor for a resolution to withdraw U.S. forces in a timely manner from the unauthorized hostilities they are participating in alongside a coalition of militaries led by Saudi Arabia in Yemen. Our privileged resolution will be introduced next week and could come to the floor in early October. We therefore hope you would consider co-sponsoring before the date of introduction, Monday, September 25th.

"In Yemen, the Saudis—with direct U.S. military involvement initiated by President Obama—have been fighting a Shiite rebel group, the Houthis, who are entirely unrelated to the Sunni extremists of Al Qaeda or ISIS. Irrespective of debates over how broad the targets of U.S. counterterrorism operations are, U.S.-Saudi hostilities against Yemens Houthis constitute a completely separate war that remains unapproved by Congress, in defiance of the Constitution and the War Powers Resolution of 1973. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair Bob Corker made it clear to the press that he doesn’t believe the Authorization for the Use of Military Force that Congress passed in 2001 to counter al-Qaeda would apply to the Houthis."

And it concludes:

"By introducing a privileged resolution to withdraw unauthorized U.S. forces from this conflict—an idea endorsed by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) last week—to reassert its authority over the executive branch when it comes to war power, we aim to reassert the rightful role of Congress as the constitutionally mandated branch of government that must both declare war and retain oversight over it. Our bill strengthens U.S. governance to better comport with the Constitution, assists in reducing a genuine threat to national security posed by the expansion of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, and promises to assist in ending the senseless suffering of millions of innocent people in Yemen, as aid experts warn that Yemen may soon experience a famine of Biblical proportions, largely as a result of the Saudi war tactic of imposing a blockade of food and medicine imports into the country."

An activist group Just Foreign Policy is sending to Congressional staffs, a statement of backing for this resolution by leading individuals and former Members of Congress:

"In Yemen, Saudi Arabia was able to recruit direct U.S. participation under President Obama to start a war that threatens 7 million people with starvation and has empowered both ISIS and Al Qaeda in Yemen. We hope your boss will consider co-sponsoring this effort to reassert Congress’ sole right to declare war, on constitutional, national-security, and humanitarian grounds.

"Endorsing individuals: Congressman Mickey Edwards (R-Okla., 1977-1993); Alberto Mora, former General Counsel, U.S. Navy; Barbara K. Bodine, U.S. Ambassador to Yemen (1997-2001); constitutional scholar Bruce Fein, former associate deputy attorney general to President Reagan; Army Lt. Col. Daniel E. Davis (ret.), Senior Fellow and Military Expert at Defense Priorities; Danya Greenfield, Freedom House; Kristen Breitweiser and Monica Gabrielle, September 11th widows and advocates; Stephen Walt, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; Jason Pye, Vice President of Legislative Affairs, FreedomWorks; Congressman Dr. Ron Paul, (R-Tex., 1997-2013). Paul R. Pillar, Georgetown University, former National Intelligence Officer for the Near East and South Asia; Army Col. Lawrence Wilkerson (ret.), former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell; Daniel Larison, Senior Editor, The American Conservative."

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