Wang Yi Calls for Dialogue on the Korean Peninsula; Touts Success of the Balt and Road Initiative for World Peace
Sept. 22, 2017 (EIRNS)—Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi addressed the General Debate at the UN General Assembly 72nd session yesterday, reiterating his country’s call for dialogue in resolving the crisis on the Korean Peninsula. He again stressed China’s commitment to maintain a nuclear-free peninsula, but also urged the parties to do nothing to increase tensions. "All parties must play a constructive role," he emphasized.
Wang underlined the central role that the United Nations has played in keeping the peace over the last seven decades, and stressed the need for the UN maintaining a focus in the resolution of the nuclear crisis on the peninsula. He also said that the world is approaching the anniversary of the first agreement achieved in curtailing the D.P.R.K.’s nuclear program as a result of the six-party talks, which "had formulated a roadmap" for denuclearization. That took place 12 years ago, but, "That statement is not outdated," Wang Yi said.
He also said that the UN must play a major role in the continued economic development in the developing sector, emphasizing that recovery from the 2008 crisis was "still an uphill journey." He said that the UN must be a key in pursuing development policies that take advantage of "new scientific revolutions" on the horizon, in which endeavor "the UN must remain a pace-setter," and underlined the importance of the UN Charter. "Globalization is not an issue of East versus West," he said. "We shouldn’t follow the law of the jungle. Countries should flourish together."
He said there has been a "momentous journey for China" over the last five years. "China will never seek hegemony, and it will always vote for peace." He also raised the importance of the upcoming Communist Party of China Congress, "which will open a new chapter of the Chinese Dream," and touted the success of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in May, which "provided over 270 deliverables." Next year, he said, China will follow it up by hosting the China International Exposition.