National Security Advisor McMaster Cools the Hysteria over North Korea
Sept. 26, 2017 (EIRNS)—President Trump's National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster spoke Monday at the Institute for the Study of War in Washington. Addressing the North Korea crisis, Bloomberg quotes him as saying:
"There’s not a precision strike that solves the problem. There’s not a military blockade that can solve the problem. What we hope to do is avoid war, but we cannot discount that possibility."
He said that the United States "has gamed out four or five different scenarios for how the crisis with North Korea will be resolved, and some are uglier than others." He also said that every military option assumed a reaction from North Korea that endangered South Korean citizens, and said, "That danger is certainly taken into consideration in all our planning and war gaming, table-top exercise efforts." A comment by Defense Secretary James Mattis last week, in answering a question, implied that there were military options that would not endanger South Korea. This was blown up out of proportion, and has now been refuted by every knowledgeable source.