Republican Legislators Call for Second Special Counsel To Be Named
Sept. 27, 2017 (EIRNS)—Yesterday, Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee wrote Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his Deputy Rod Rosenstein, formally renewing the request made last July for the naming of a second Special Counsel. What the request reflects is a general sense, even if not clearly enunciated, that the Robert Mueller operation really smells bad. Hence, the letter signed by Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and several other committee members, states that a second counsel is necessary to investigate matters "which may be outside the scope" of Mueller’s investigation.
Specifically, the Judiciary Committee is furious at former FBI Director James Comey’s revelations that he had prepared a statement ending the investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, well before interviewing her and 17 other witnesses connected to the case. In effect, his interview with her was a mere formality, as he had already made recommendations against filing criminal charges against her.
Fox News reports that some lawmakers are demanding that Comey be brought back to the Hill to explain the discrepancies in his past statements. But beyond that, they want a special counsel probe that is completely separate from the one Mueller is directing, to deal with what they say are the many unanswered questions remaining from the 2016 campaign cycle, and that have been "pushed aside" amid Mueller’s "intense Russia focus," Fox adds.
Goodlatte’s letter quotes one former career FBI supervisor, who characterized Comey’s action
"as so far out of bounds, it’s not even in the stadium, clearly communicating to [FBI executive staff] where the investigation [of Clinton] was going to go."
The letter mentions that with his actions, Comey violated Justice Department policy, "potentially at the direction, tacit or otherwise, of President Obama," when he declined to record the interview with Clinton or those with any of her associates.