Who’s Covering Up for British Intelligence?
Oct. 12, 2017 (EIRNS)—A special Fox News investigation by Catherine Herridge published last night, looked into how it was that the FBI and Justice Department have refused every request by the House Intelligence Committee of Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), for information regarding the lurid anti-Trump dossier of Christopher Steele of British Intelligence.
Records show that the committee has made eight such requests since March, including subpoenas. Although the FBI and Justice Department are led by Trump appointees Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Jeff Sessions,
"Sources close to the matter say that Gregory Brower, a former U.S. Attorney, is now the gatekeeper to such information as head of the FBI’s Office of Congressional Affairs. Brower is said to be close to former FBI Director James Comey, who named him to the job in March, two months before Comey was fired, and during a tense period in Comey’s relationship with Trump. Sources told Fox News thhat Brower has turned down requests, citing the special counsel investigation led by former FBI director Robert Mueller."
The Senate Intelligence Committee has also been rebuffed. "As it relates to the Steele dossier, unfortunately the committee has hit a wall," Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.) explained.
"We have on several occasions made attempts to contact Mr. Steele, to meet with Mr. Steele, to include personally the vice chairman and myself as two individuals making that connection. Those offers have gone unaccepted. The committee cannot really decide the credibility of the dossier without understanding things like who paid for it? Who are your sources and sub-sources?"
Senate Judiciary Committee Chuck Grassley (R-Kan.) has said there are "material inconsistencies" in the FBI’s replies to his questions about the dossier, and wrote to the FBI on Oct. 4 to ask whether and how the dossier’s allegations were "confirmed" by foreign intelligence agencies, naming British intelligence in particular. Glenn Simpson, the founder of the Fusion GPS firm which commissioned the dossier, has refused to reveal sources and payments, even during a closed-door session with Senate Judiciary Committee staff.