Russian Foreign Ministry Denounces British Fake News About Afghanistan
Oct. 18, 2017 (EIRNS)—An official note from the Russian Foreign Ministry denounced an
"article in The Times, which other U.K. media picked up on and circulated later, regarding a new allegation that Russia is bankrolling the Taliban movement.... We think these fake news reports seek to divert the international community’s attention from NATO’s fiasco policy of brute force in Afghanistan."
The Foreign Ministry note adds, with nasty precision:
"We would like to make a recommendation to reporters at The Times to focus more attention on the flights of unmarked helicopters to areas controlled by extremists in various governorates of Afghanistan. The Afghans themselves claim the British secret services are behind those missions."
The Foreign Ministry note then restates Russia’s policy:
"We are stressing once again that Russia does not render any assistance to the Taliban movement and consistently pursues a policy of assisting the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and rendering it all-round assistance in becoming a peaceful, independent, stable and economically developed state free from terrorism and drugs."
This leaves the strong (and accurate) impression that the British are the ones backing both terrorism and drugs.
Perhaps most amusing, the Foreign Ministry announced that it would be uploading The Times article to
"the section of its homepage exposing the publications that contained false information on Russia as fresh samples of disinformation circulated in the Western media."
If they are at all thorough, that is going to become a very big section of the Ministry’s website.