Bam! Clinton Colluded with the British—Part of the Coup Is Now Exposed
Oct. 25, 2017 (EIRNS)—The Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee have admitted that they funded the work of British intelligence agent Christopher Steele directly. The admission, contained in a letter from Perkins, Coie, LLP, Counsel for the DNC and Hillary in 2016, is the first tree in the forest to fall, provided we keep our focus on the strategic reasons for the coup and the actual mechanisms in play. That focus must remain on the British for their role in attempting to dictate the American election for the strategic purpose of preserving the decadent and collapsing post-World War II Anglo-American imperium. As demonstrated in our dossier about Robert Mueller, every time you hear that Russia did something to meddle in our elections, substitute "the British" and you are on the path of truth.
Focusing on the British Steele dossier, circulated in this country as a result of an alliance between Orbis Business Intelligence, a firm with direct and continuing ties to MI6, and Fusion GPS, nominally of Delaware and Washington, D.C., is the key not only to stopping the coup against the President but also to exposing the crimes of Obama Administration officials in first attempting to win the election for Hillary Clinton, and then, attempting to destroy the Presidency of Donald Trump. Richard Nixon, it will be recalled, used the official intelligence agencies of the United States to target and smear his political opponents. We are looking at crimes of that magnitude here.
To recap the dossier’s importance. It was the sole basis for James Comey’s unprecedented FBI investigation of Russian influences on candidate Trump which commenced in July of 2016. It was the roadmap for the entire fake affair. Its first memo claimed that the Russians had hacked the Democratic National Committee computers, a fabricated claim first put forward by British intelligence as early as 2015. It was used by the Clinton campaign to paint Trump as a "Manchurian candidate" controlled by Putin, claims made by Steele and allied Ukrainian intelligence agents working with the Clinton campaign. The British fabrications about Trump’s Russian ties were widely circulated to the news media by both the Clinton campaign and the official Obama intelligence community.
After Trump won the election, the FBI promised to pay Steele to continue his work, a contract which was later aborted. The dossier was then used to attempt to blackmail the President into changing his views on potential friendly relations with Russia, by claiming that Putin held sexually compromising information on Trump. When the President refused the blackmail and extortion attempt by Obama’s intelligence chiefs, led by James Comey, Steele’s salacious and disgusting lies about Russian prostitutes cavorting with the President were leaked to the national and international news media.
The fact that Clinton and the DNC colluded with British intelligence agents and paid them to create dirt against Trump was obviously widely known in Obama’s intelligence community, particularly the FBI. This first public admission resulted from a House Intelligence Committee subpoena of Fusion’s bank records, after months of stonewalling by Fusion.
Fusion tried to block its bank from releasing the records in Washington, D.C.’s U.S. District Court. But, U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkah apparently didn’t buy Fusion’s legal claim to virtual immunity from investigation. Fusion and the House Intelligence Committee are now in settlement negotiations and are supposed to report back to the Court on Thursday, October 26th.
As part of the negotiations, Fusion apparently obtained the letter from Perkins Coie LLP, admitting the funding of Steele by Clinton and the DNC. The initial approach for funding by Fusion was in March of 2016 and the engagement went from April-November of 2016. During that time, Perkins Coie was paid $12.4 million by the Clinton campaign and the DNC. It is unknown how much of this money went to Christopher Steele. Perkins Coie notes that Clinton and the DNC were taking over work on Trump previously funded by one of his Republican opponents.
As this breaks, there is a major effort to divert attention from the British by claiming that Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One deal involvement represents the real Russian scandal and the Russian sources cited in Steele’s dossier prove that this also was an operation by the ever clever Putin. Anyone who thinks about it for ten seconds would realize that the Russian sourcing of the Steele dossier’s allegations involved British intelligence assets in Russia who are acting against the Russian state, if they actually exist.