New York Post Op-Ed Demands ‘Robert Mueller Should Resign’
Oct. 29, 2017 (EIRNS)—That is the headline on a New York Post op-ed by Michael Goodwin, which the author describes ironically as "a guide to the perplexed" by all of the hyped-up charges about Russian collusion with Trump to throw the elections.
The article starts out on the right track: "Robert Mueller will never be able to untangle the tangled webs with any credibility and needs to step aside." The reasons include
"his relationship with his successor at the FBI James Comey. That conflict has morphed into several more that are fixable only by resignation."
One of those reasons is that "any honest probe must examine the Obama White House," which Mueller was part of and therefore cannot do: "So it’s time for him to say bye-bye." Secondly,
"there is also the issue of ‘unmasking’ of Trump associates caught up in the snooping, with the names leaked to anti-Trump media. It is essential to investigate that angle, but it would lead right to the Obama White House, which is why Mueller is not the man for the job."
The article then veers off in the familiar fashion which nearly all Republican polemics are currently taking, focusing not on the Steele-British angle, but rather the Clinton-uranium story, in order to argue the case that the so-called Russian meddling occurred through the Democrats, and not the Republicans—an idea as false as it is opportunistic.
Meanwhile, diverse Republican political figures are climbing on the bandwagon of calling for Mueller’s resignation as Special Counsel. Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) said in a statement to Fox News that Mueller should step aside because of his close relationship with James Comey. And New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) chimed in that "somebody with Bob Mueller’s integrity"—a quality of which Christie is totally innocent—should step aside.