President Xi Opens the CPC Dialogue with World Political Parties, for the ‘Community of the Shared Future for Mankind’
Dec. 1, 2017 (EIRNS)—Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered an eloquent opening address today, on the second day of the four-day Communist Party of China (CPC) Dialogue with World Political Parties High-Level Meeting being held in Bejing.
"I’m delighted to see that the friendly cooperation between China and other countries is increasingly expanding and the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind is gaining support and endorsement from an increasing number of people,"
President Xi told the more than 600 representatives from nearly 300 political parties from 120 countries. The Belt and Road Initiative, Xi said, is the practice or action of the concept of a shared future, and has become a huge cooperation platform for countries to realize their common development, Chinese media report.
President Xi explained that with the initiation of the Belt and Road Initiative, he was introducing a new model of relationship between nations and peoples, a model of relationships oriented to the well-being of all nations and all peoples. He called on the representatives of all the parties to devote themselves to realizing this new model and to work together toward that goal, in spite of the differences they may have in their political and views.
Yesterday, on the first day of the forum, representatives paid a visit to the Party School of the CPC Central Committee, and visited an exhibition on China’s achievements over the past five years. Seminars were also held with guests from Africa and Central Asia.
The conference was organized at the request of foreign political parties, which were interested in a briefing on the recent 19th Party Congress in China. Along those lines, the theme of the conference is, "Working Together Towards a Community with a Shared Future for Humanity and a Better World: Responsibilities of Political Parties."
Building a community with a shared future for mankind, President Xi said, as reported by China Radio International, is to connect the prospects and destiny of every nation closely together, share weal and woe, and turn planet Earth into a harmonious family. Efforts should be made, he said, to build a safe world free of fear, and that a country cannot gain security at the cost of others’. Countries should jointly eliminate the root cause of war and rescue people from pains brought about by war, and strive to eliminate poverty and promote common prosperity.
President Xi proposed that there be a new model for party-to-party relations, in which parties seek common ground and shelve differences. He assured the representatives that China will neither "import" foreign models of development, nor "export" the Chinese model. He stressed that the CPC strives for both the well-being of the Chinese people and human progress, and that more opportunities for the world are created by promoting China’s development.
President Xi met with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and Myanamr leader Aung San Sou Kyi, who both spoke at the forum’s opening session.
To move the process forward, in the next five years, President Xi said, the CPC would like to invite 15,000 members of foreign political parties to come to China for exchanges. He also suggested that the CPC Dialogue be institutionalized and develop into a high-level political dialogue platform of broad representation and international influence.
Of interest, will be the reaction on the part of the U.S. participants. Tony Parker from the Republican National Committee and, reportedly, a representative of the Democratic Party, were in attendance.