Glazyev: Eurasian Partnership Is Basis for India-China Cooperation
Dec. 9, 2017 (EIRNS)—On the eve of the 15th Trilateral Russia-India-China Foreign Ministerial meeting on Dec. 11 in New Delhi, Russian Presidential Advisor Sergey Glazyev suggested that Russia can play a role in creating the basis for joint economic integration between the three nations, "so that China and India could work together with us to outline common development plans."
Resolving the legacies of historic tensions between China and India, and bringing India into active participation with the global Belt and Road Initiative China has set in motion is crucial to secure world peace. As Indian security expert Maj. Gen. (Ret.) P.K. Sehgal told Sputnik news service today,
"Despite all the differences that exist between India, Russia and China, the fact remains that these three countries together comprise almost 60% of humanity and if they collaborate on international platforms then they are a formidable force."
Glazyev elaborated his thinking on securing that strong trilateral cooperation in speaking to Russian reporters on Dec. 5 in New Delhi, where he was attending a meeting of the heads of Indian and Russian think tanks.
According to TASS’s coverage of his report to the press, Glazyev emphasized:
"All the integration projects, including the Eurasian Economic Union, the One Belt, One Road initiative and our idea of free trade with India, are open for everyone. In my view, Russia’s role may be to create a basis integration suitable for all....
"We should understand that all our sore spots came to be as a result of someone’s interference. We know that the conflict between India and Pakistan is rooted in their colonial past. Attempts to create a Pacific partnership without Russia and China, as well as issues between Russia and Japan, are a result of interference by some third party—the English or the Americans, who still live in the past.
"We need to build our future ourselves and I believe that the idea of great Eurasian partnership stipulates that we should all work together, certainly including India and China, with no exceptions."
TASS reported that the presidential advisor noted that India is interested in participating in the modernization of the trans-European transport infrastructure, citing in particular construction of pipelines to Central Asia and Russia and rail services to Russia.
"Basically, if we tried to resolve all these common issues in Asia together without involving other parties, I think, they would be resolved in no time. And President Putin’s initiative about the great Eurasian partnership envisages that we should define our future together,"
Glazyev added.