Exposed Mueller, DOJ Bias Divide Republican Party; Graham Acts
Jan. 1, 2018 (EIRNS)—While some Republican members of Congress—egged on by the Washington Post and New York Times—are issuing panicky defenses of legal assassin Robert Mueller’s supposed investigation of "election collusion" by Russia and President Trump, others are escalating their demands for the truth to come out.
Sen. Lindsay Graham, in a Dec. 30 interview with Fox News, became the first Senator to call for a special counsel to investigate the Steele dossier and the FBI’s and Mueller’s use of it. Byron York of the Washington Examiner reported Graham’s comments on Fox:
"I’ve spent some time in the last couple of days, after a lot of fighting with the Department of Justice, to get the background on the dossier, and here’s what I can tell your viewers: I’m very disturbed about what the Department of Justice did with this dossier, and we need a special counsel to look into that, because that’s not in Mueller’s charter. And what I saw, and what I’ve gathered in the last couple of days, bothers me a lot, and I’d like somebody outside DOJ [Department of Justice] to look into how this dossier was handled and what they did with it."
[emphasis added] Graham also said, "Robert Mueller is not investigating the dossier. That’s not part of his charter."
Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade asked Graham, "So, you’ve found out something you did not know?" Graham answered in the affirmative, and Kilmeade asked if he was disturbed by the contents of the dossier or how the Justice Department used it in the Trump-Russia investigation.
Graham replied,
"I’ve been a lawyer most of my life, a prosecutor, and a defense attorney. And the one thing I can say, every prosecutor has a duty to the court to disclose things that are relevant to the request. So any time a document is used to go to court, for legal reasons, I think the Department of Justice owes it to the court to be up-and-up about exactly what this document is about, who paid for it, who’s involved, what their motives might be. And I can just say this: After having looked at the history of the dossier, and how it was used by the Department of Justice, I’m really very concerned, and this cannot be the new normal."
The strong implication is that Graham has seen convincing evidence that the Steele dossier was, in fact, used in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court to get surveillance of Trump’s campaign, and/or may have been used by Rod Rosenstein to decide on special prosecutor Mueller’s appointment.