President Trump Charges that FBI’s Behavior toward Him Is ‘Treasonous’
Jan. 12, 2018 (EIRNS)—In a broad-ranging interview with the Wall Street Journal published Jan. 11, President Trump charged that the actions of FBI agent Peter Strzok, as seen in his texts to his lover, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, was “treasonous ... what he tweeted to his lover is a treasonous act.”
Trump asserted that “what went on with the FBI, where a man is tweeting his lover that if she [Hillary Clinton] loses, we’ll essentially go back to ... the insurance policy, which is—if they lose, we’ll go to phase 2, and we’ll get this guy out of office.” In other words, overthrow the President. I mean, this is the FBI we’re talking about ... I think that is treason.”
The President repeated his charge that the entire Russiagate investigation is a hoax, and the Democrats know it, but “are milking it to a fare-thee-well.” What has happened, in fact, he continued, is that “they make up a crime, and the crime doesn’t exist, and then they say ‘obstruction.’ And how could there be obstruction on firing Comey?” He recalled that at the time James Comey was fired as FBI director, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had written a strongly-worded letter saying that the firing was justified.
Former FBI Director James Comey “has proven to be a liar and a leaker,” Trump affirmed. “He tries to act like a choir boy,” but what he did with Hillary Clinton
“was outrageous. He saved her life, because with all those charges—I call it ‘Comey one, two and three’... she should have been taken out of the campaign and put on trial.”
Trump recounted the Clinton “fiasco ... where they did the interview with no tape recorder, with no swearing in, with no this, with no that.” Moreover, “the FBI was a mess ... was in turmoil. Everybody hated Comey,” and wanted him fired, “but as soon as I fired him, they said, ‘oh he’s wonderful—he’s wonderful, how could you do that?’ ”
As for the possibility that President Trump might be charged with obstruction for firing Comey, Trump replied that “of course there was no obstruction ... there was no crime,” arguing that he should be given credit for firing Comey, because many things that have been found since then, would have remained hidden.