‘China Seeks Global Partnerships, not Global Dominance,’ Beijing’s Ambassador Cui Tiankai Affirms
Jan. 18, 2018 (EIRNS)—Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Cui Tiankai, speaking at a Chinese New Year celebration yesterday in New York, met the increasing drumbeat about the “China threat” with a clear statement of China’s intentions. “What China seeks in the world is global partnerships, not global dominance,” Cui said. As China is getting closer to the center of the world stage, “what we want to see is a symphony rather than a solo.” Pointing to the Belt and Road Initiative, China Daily quoted Cui saying, “Our aim is to build a new type of international relationships and a community of mankind for a shared future. Therefore, China is continuing to seek cooperation with other countries to improve global governance, maintain international order, build peace and stability and promote common development....
“Recently, I have noticed some voices of doubt about the wisdom of building this relationship, even attempts to question the value of people-to-people exchanges, even trying to raise political obstacles to culture exchange between our two countries.
“Let me say this, nothing is more silly than questioning one’s own success; nothing is more silly and harmful than denying the huge potential and great prospects of building a strong and mutually beneficial relationship between China and the U.S.”
Cui was responding to the recent campaign to throw up obstacles to Chinese investment, especially in high-tech industries, the demonization of groups like the Hong Kong-based China-U.S. Exchange Foundation, which are attempting to introduce an understanding of the Chinese language and culture into U.S. colleges and universities, and the ludicrous attempt to stop the construction of a Chinese Garden at the National Arboretum in Washington because it includes a 70-foot tower, which counterintelligence officials claim can be used for “surveillance” purposes.