Nunes Exposé of Justice Department/FBI Crimes, and Sources, To Be Declassified Soon
Jan. 22, 2018 (EIRNS)—House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes’ currently classified report on the files Congress finally received on the two-year intelligence agency attempt to eliminate candidate and then President Trump, has sent shock waves across Capitol Hill as GOP members of Congress have read it. Now, statements from some of those members indicate the Nunes memo, and some of its source documents, will be publicly available soon. The ongoing legal assassination of Trump team members by Special Counsel Robert Mueller may not survive this exposure.
According to CNN, three Republican House Committee chairmen met Sunday about coordination of steps to declassify and release the Nunes memo, and at least some of its substantiating source reports. They were Intelligence Committee head Nunes, Judiciary Committee head Robert Goodlatte, and Government Oversight Committee head Trey Gowdy. This was confirmed by Rep. Mike Conaway, who formally took over the Intelligence Committee’s "Russiagate" investigation from Nunes when the latter stepped aside early last year.
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is quoted in favor of releasing the sources as well, comparing the Nunes memo to "any document which needs to be referenced or footnoted, and Democrats will attempt to dismiss Nunes’ memo without documentation." Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) also:
"Chairman Goodlatte and Chairman Gowdy and Chairman Nunes all have jurisdiction over some elements, and they are meeting and discussing a process now, that I think will lead to greater transparency."
None of the participants is yet making the exact timeframe for declassification and release clear; only that it is coming.