Christopher Steele Has Been a Top Dirty-Tricks Agent for British Intelligence for Decades
Feb. 8, 2018 (EIRNS)—Further details in the Washington Post’s long story today on Christopher Steele confirm that Steele has long been a leading dirty-tricks operative for British intelligence, both before and after his phony “retirement” from MI6 into the “private sector” in 2009.
By 2006, he was the British Secret Intelligence Services case-officer for the strange KGB defector Alexander Litvinenko. Readers will remember that Litvinenko died in a London hospital, allegedly poisoned with radioactive polonium—the first person ever to die in this manner. The Post says Steele “led the British inquiry into the mysterious 2006 death in London of Alexander Litvinenko.” What inquiry was that? The House of Commons voted that an “independent commission” should be formed into Litvinenko’s death. That was led by Sir Robert Owen, a judge, who concluded that Litvinenko was murdered by Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitri Kovtun, as an “FSB operation” signed off on by its director Nikolai Patrushev, and “probably” personally approved by Vladimir Putin. The British and U.S. allies used the affair as a high-profile provocation against Russia for years.
Once Steele moved over into the “private sector,” one of Steele’s first clients was the British Football Association in 2010. Why? Supposedly the British Football Association (i.e., soccer) had come up with the idea of proving corruption in the International Federation of Football Association (FIFA), in order to reverse FIFA’s award of the 2018 World Cup to Russia (and the 2022 Cup to Qatar). Steele worked this through with the FBI, to the point that U.S. authorities arrested many of the top FIFA officials during a FIFA meeting in Switzerland. All the top FIFA officials resigned or were fired, but as of now the 2018 World Cup will still be held in Russia.