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South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma Is Recalled by African National Congress

Feb. 14, 2018 (EIRNS)—The President of South Africa Jacob Zuma was recalled yesterday by the African National Congress (ANC). There were conflicting signals as to whether he would address the nation today for his annual state of the nation.

Because “recall” is an extra-constitutional procedure only provided for in the ANC party constitution, it is not certain whether President Zuma will accept or disregard his party’s decision. Under the South African Constitution, he was elected by the National Assembly (parliament), and could be removed by it through a vote of no confidence.

ANC Secretary General Ace Magashule addressed the press on Tuesday at Luthuli House, the party’s national headquarters in Johannesburg, to read the recall statement of the ANC National Executive Committee and answer questions. The statement followed an all-night meeting of the 86-member NEC that lasted 13 hours. Magashule had been leading those who opposed recall.

The language of the ANC statement indicates that those insisting on recall had been bludgeoned or enticed into submission by the British-directed opposition, if they were not already, at heart, a part of it. The statement said, in part, that the ANC had

“to act with urgency in order to steer our country towards greater levels of unity, renewal and hope. We are determined to restore the integrity of the public institutions, create political stability and urgent economic recovery.... It is critical that South Africans are united around the task of growth, job creation and economic transformation.”

With this statement, the ANC adopted the British-crafted “narrative” that Zuma was a major cause, if not the sole cause, of South Africa’s problems, rather than the British Empire stranglehold on the economy.

William Shakespeare was heard to mutter, from the grave, “What fools these mortals be ... [words indistinct].”

During the 13-hour meeting, President Zuma had agreed in principle to resign, but proposed a time frame of up to six months. He wanted especially to chair the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg in July. His proposal was rejected.

In a nationally televised speech from the seat of presidency Union Buildings on Feb. 14, President Zuma announced his resignation with immediate effect.

Zuma retains extensive support throughout the country.

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