British MI6 Agent Christopher Steele Ran ‘Full-Spectrum’ Subversion Operation against U.S.
Feb. 15, 2018 (EIRNS)—In an excellent article posted at the American Conservative today, 24-year State Department veteran Peter Van Buren exposes exactly how the highly-skilled British intelligence operative Christopher Steele has managed to subvert U.S. institutions and catalyze a wild attempt to remove an elected President from office or worse. The article is headlined, “Christopher Steele: The Real Foreign Influence in the 2016 Election?”
“Steele, who is British, did far more than simply provide opposition research to the Democratic National Committee. He was able to make sure it reached the most influential people possible in politics, media and government to shape and influence the growing narrative of the 2016 Presidential election. In other words, as a skilled professional intelligence officer, Steele ran a full-spectrum information operation against the United States. One could even call it information warfare.
“This is what separates his work creating the dossier (which a decent journalist with friends in Russia could have done) from his work insinuating the dossier into the highest reaches of American government and political society. For that, you need a real pro, an intelligence officer with decades of experience running just that kind of operation. Looking for foreign interference in the 2016 election? Let’s take a closer look at Christopher Steele.
“Steele’s skill is revealed by the now familiar Nunes and Grassley memos, which show he used the same set of information in the dossier to create a collaboration loop, every intelligence officer’s dream, which is his own planted information used to surreptitiously confirm itself, right up to the point where the target country’s own intelligence service re-purposed it as evidence in the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) court.”
Van Buren goes on to report much more. Steele planted an anonymously-sourced press leak to validate his dossier for the FBI and others. Working as a supposed clandestine FBI source, he succeeded in getting the FBI to disclose to him its investigation of George Papadopoulos, and then used that information to buttress his dossier. Then-DOJ official Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie Ohr, who worked for Fusion GPS, apparently served Steele as private information-channels into the DOJ, where they not only provided further fake confirmation of the lies in the Steele dossier—but could also tell Steele what questions were being asked at Justice. Sen. John McCain and the State Department were folded into Steele’s information warfare.
“The Washington Post characterized Steele as ‘struggling to navigate dual obligations—to his private clients, who were paying him to help Clinton win, and to a sense of public duty born of his previous life.’ But the Washington Post has no idea how intelligence officers work. Their job is to befriend and engage the target to carry out the goals of their employer. When they do it right, the public summation is a line like the Post offered: you never even knew you were being used,”
Van Buren writes.
Van Buren closes by raising that some
“have raised questions about Steele’s status as ‘retired’ from British intelligence, as the lines among working for MI6, working at MI6, and working with MI6 are often times largely a matter of semantics” (emphasis in original).