‘Culture of Death’ in School Shootings Raised at Trump’s Meeting with U.S. Governors
Feb. 27, 2018 (EIRNS)—Securing American schools against mass killings was the primary issue discussed when President Donald Trump met with some 35 state governors on Monday at the White House. While the discussion was largely focused on proposals for law enforcement and mental health measures (the President usefully suggested that the closure, for cost reasons, of mental health hospitals nationwide be revisited), Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin raised the central question that the “culture of death is becoming pervasive” in the nation.
Bevin urged the President, his fellow governors, and himself, to use their offices as “bully pulpits to talk about the culture in this society.”
Our nation was founded on principles such as respect for human life, “where you treat people the way you’d want to be treated,” Bevin said. The failure “to acknowledge the value and dignity of every human life,” coupled with the number of psychiatric drugs used which carry severe warnings of depression and suicidal thoughts, has created a mess, “and no one among us is bold enough or willing to step up and challenge the fact that this is a problem? This is why it goes unchecked.”
The governor pointed to the attacks by the media against leaders who advocate higher mores, raising some fault or other against them in order “to mock and ridicule” them as unfit to speak with moral authority. “Think twice,” he warned those media, because your children and grandchildren may suffer, as well.
President Trump thanked Governor Bevin, and called for the nation, as both he and Governor Bevin had done separately in previous days, to consider some action against today’s “vicious” video games and movies.
“I don’t know what this does to a young kid’s mind. Somebody growing up and forming and looking at videos where people are just being blown away left and right,”
the President said. “I see, just by a commercial, the level of craziness and viciousness in the movies. I think we have to look at that, too.”