New Book on Death of Dr. David Kelly, Who First Exposed British Lies about WMD
March 29, 2018 (EIRNS)—Just as the British are being caught out in new lies against Russia about weapons of mass destruction, a new book has appeared about the late British arms expert Dr. David Kelly, called An Inconvenient Death—How the Establishment Covered Up the David Kelly Affair, by Miles Goslett. Dr. Kelly was part of the effort with Lyndon LaRouche and others to expose Tony Blair’s lying about supposed Iraqi WMD in 2003—but shortly after he was revealed as the source for the story that Blair’s WMD dossier had been “sexed up,” Kelly was found dead on July 17, 2003, under unexplained circumstances.
Goslett reports that Prime Minister Blair was in the air when he got the first report of Kelly’s death, but within minutes, he gave instructions to set up a full-blown public inquiry (the Hutton Inquiry), which interrupted and ultimately derailed the routine, legally required coroner’s inquest.
“Instead of an inquest,” Sputnik reports, “which typically takes months to prepare and is a rigorous examination of what led up to and caused an unusual or violent death,” Blair and Lord Falconer, who as Lord Chancellor headed the judiciary
“instigated the Hutton Inquiry, which opened just 24 days after the body was found, and lasted only a few weeks. Hutton’s report was published in January 2004, and concluded that Kelly took his own life.”
Hutton classified all medical records and photographs of Kelly for 70 years.
The Express interviewed author Goslett today about an unnamed witness in his book.
“Mr. Goslett claimed the person had spoken with Dr. Kelly in July 2003, shortly before his death, about his work in the government, and ‘carried a burden’ about it ever since.
“Goslett goes on to say: ‘They said that in July 2003, Dr. Kelly told them something about his work, rather than his personal life, which had shocked them so profoundly that they believed they should have gone straight to the police to report his claim. They never did so, for reasons best known to themselves, but they remain reluctant to let go of the likelihood that what he told them has some link to his death.’
“ ‘At the time of going to press, the person concerned would not elaborate other than to say they believed there must be a coroner’s inquest into Dr. Kelly’s death. They accepted that they would probably be called as a witness if an inquest were held and they would have to give evidence on oath.’ ”