Russian Foreign Ministry Charges British Actions Today Continue Centuries of Genocide
April 19, 2018 (EIRNS)—“Get ready,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman and top diplomat Maria Zakharova told journalists at her weekly briefing today. Let’s talk about state orders for mass killings; let’s talk about Great Britain’s history as one of the worst colonialist powers of all time. British diplomats seem not to be aware of their own history, and it is high time, from this very tribune, to fill that cognitive vacuum, she said.
Zakharova proceeded for the next hour to review case after case of the history of the British Empire’s mass murders, poisonings, pillaging and lies against peoples around the world, citing documentation, in some cases from Britain’s own archives, of the heinous “moral achievements” of the British Empire.
Zakharova’s two-and-a-half-hour briefing was broadcast live, with rough simultaneous translation, and is posted by Ruptly, starting at 31:24 minutes; the case against the British Empire starts at 71.53 minutes. We summarize here her presentations on key cases for the benefit of patriots in every nation in the world (including in the U.K.), who also understand that human civilization demands on eliminating British Empire once and for all.
Zakharova first took up the case of India. American historian Will Durant wrote in 1930 that Britain’s deliberate torture of India for 150 years can be considered the most horrible crime in world history, she remarked. India’s Shashi Tharoor, author of Infamous Empire, assembled documentation of that crime which Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on July 24, 2015 reflects what every patriotic Indian knows, Zakharova added. Tharoor recounts Britain’s deindustrialization and pillaging of India, including the death by starvation of 15-29 million people, 4 million in Bengal in one year alone, under one of the cruelest Prime Ministers of the 20th century, Winston Churchill. Zakharova quoted Churchill’s statement, “I hate Indians. They are beastly people with a beastly religion”; she recounted British execution of Indians by shooting them out of cannons; the infamous April 13, 1919 massacre, when 50 soldiers opened fire on unarmed civilians in the center of Amritsar, killing perhaps as many as 1,000.
Africa followed. Thirteen million people were taken from the continent as slaves, but it is known that 3-4 times as many Africans were killed, with the total victims numbering 50-52 million people.
Zakharova reminded journalists that British philosopher John Locke developed the constitution for the slave-owning Confederate States in America, and invested all his savings in slavery.
The British set up concentration camps in the Anglo-Boer War for anyone who it was thought could be sympathetic to the Boer rebels against British rule. Their homes were burned and their livestock and crops destroyed, and then the men were separated from the women and children, and shipped out of the country to Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) and India. When the news of the camps got out, Lord Kitchener claimed the camps were designed to provide “security” for the civilian population, and called them places of salvation, Zakharova reported.
Is this not the same as the White Helmets today, she asked? They find terrorists, call them “white helmets,” and use them for provocations “to save the population.” Many years have passed, but nothing has changed.
In Australia, the British killed 90-95% of the indigenous population during the occupation. That’s not our assessment; English occupiers were given compensation for each person killed, she stated.
She returned to Africa: In the 1870s, Britain conducted genocide against the Zulus in Cape Colony, and in 1954-1961, against the Kikuyu people in Kenya,
“where in retaliation for the killing of 32 white colonists, the British authorities exterminated 300,000 members of the Kikuyu people, and drove another 1.5 million into concentration camps.”
We should remember the famous Opium Wars, where London was poisoning the Chinese people through opium.
When London is calling itself the representative of humanitarian causes, its actions against the people of the Middle East can be remembered. Just look at the map of the borders they drew, dividing people in ways that have implications to this day.
Then there are the classified documents of the British archives, on how British authorities ordered the use of chemical weapons in the spring of 1920 in Mesopotamia—Churchill, once again—and 6-10,000 of the natives in what is Iraq today were killed. Maybe that is not much for London, Zakharova said.
She cited cases involving the Greeks, the Libyans, Sudanese, Eritreans and others, before moving from straight genocide, to the British Empire’s love of spy operations and pinpoint subversive operations. James Bond films are not fiction, she pointed out; Ian Fleming was working from archival documents. British spies do have “a license to kill.”
Zakharova cited some of the known assassinations and coups run by British secret services. The admission by senior MI6 controller Baroness Daphne Park that she organized the assassination of the first elected prime minister of the Congo, Patrice Lumumba in 1961; the 1953 coup against Iran’s Mossadegh, which benefitted British oil interests; its killings in Northern Ireland; the sending of Stepan Bandera-backing fascist killers back into Ukraine in the early 1950s; etc.
Not left out of her marshalling of the facts, were the string of strange deaths of Russian and British scientists on U.K. soil between 2001 and 2014, many revolving around Porton Down, including the 2003 “suicide” of Porton Down’s David Kelly, who was a leading figure, along with Lyndon LaRouche, in exposing British intelligence’s “sexed up” lies to justify the Iraq 2003 invasion.
Lastly, Zakharova pointed to a favorite tactic of British authorities, of which Russia is currently a target, painting targets with “black advertising,” about which huge volumes have been written. It is not surprising that some people know this, Zakharova concluded. What is a surprise, is that some people do not.