Wieczorek Files To Be on Ballot in S.D. Congressional Race, Runs on LaRouche ‘Four Laws’
April 24, 2018 (EIRNS)—Ron Wieczorek, a South Dakota rancher from Davison County and longtime supporter of Lyndon LaRouche, filed petition signatures today with the Secretary of State in Pierre to be on the ballot in November as an Independent, in the election for the state’s at-large member of the U.S. House of Representatives. He has led an organizing campaign for several months, gathering nearly 4,000 signatures (of 2,700 needed) with the help of volunteers, and rallying people to get active. Last night, in a conference call, Wieczorek thanked everyone, saying, “I talked to thousands of people, maybe 3, 4, even 5,000 people in the last two months alone.” Organizing and petitioning, while running a farm, he said it’s been “different from being in town.” He had 20 inches of snow, and was in the middle of calving season. But, he reported, there is “a major improvement of the mindset of the South Dakota people.”
Flanked by campaign workers and family members, Wieczorek met with media in state capital of Pierre today, and issued the following excerpted statement:
“I have decided to run for U.S. Congress because I cannot sit idly by while our nation is destroyed....
“My program is based on Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Laws for Economic Recovery: Restore Glass-Steagall, return to a National Banking and credit system, like that utilized by Hamilton, Lincoln, and Roosevelt, use this credit for high-productivity-gain investment in infrastructure and manufacturing, and science-drivers, the development of fusion nuclear energy and a revival of our space program.
“To meet these objectives rapidly we should collaborate with China’s Belt and Road Initiative for economic development, a project using the ideas of what used to be called the American System of political economy and reflecting LaRouche’s Four Laws. China has pulled millions out of poverty and is dedicated to eradicating it entirely; our nation should undertake a mission to do the same. China’s idea is that the U.S. and China should cooperate in developing the economies of the entire world. This vision is the basis for the friendship between President Xi Jinping and Donald Trump....
“The President’s efforts to change the established order has been hampered by an outrageous coup attempt conducted by our elites, in conjunction with the British, to change the results of the 2016 election.... I am dedicated to ending that coup.
“The President has also been trapped by partisan politics. I choose to stand above the parties, and campaign and fight on principle. If the silent Americans who unexpectedly elected Trump, and want him to succeed, follow my stance and join me in campaigning on the principles of LaRouche’s Four Laws, we can actually cause the necessary changes in time to save our nation.”