Nunes: No Intelligence Was Used To Justify the Russiagate Investigation
April 25, 2018 (EIRNS)—Rep. Devin Nunes, chair of the House Intelligence Committee, reported on April 22 that there was no intelligence to justify the opening of the Russiagate probe against Donald Trump in the first place.
Speaking on Fox Business Network, Nunes said:
“We now know that there was no official intelligence that was used to start this investigation. We know that Sidney Blumenthal and others were pushing information into the State Department. So we’re trying to piece all that together and that’s why we continue to look at the State Department.”
Nunes cited the “Five Eyes” agreement among the intelligence Anglo-America agencies—Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and U.S.—as a way of knowing no intelligence was used. “We are not supposed to spy on each other’s citizens, and it’s worked well,” Nunes said.
“And it continues to work well. And we know it’s working well because there was no intelligence that passed through the Five Eyes channels to our government. And that’s why we had to see that original communication.”
Fox reports that Nunes
“is now investigating the State Department due to signs of major irregularities, in an effort to figure out how information about former Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos—who reportedly met with a foreign policy expert and Cambridge professor with connections to the CIA and Britain’s MI6 in London in 2016—was obtained by the FBI.”