Trump Tells Mueller To Drop the Witch Hunt—I’m Busy Solving U.S. Problems
May 2, 2018 (EIRNS)—President Trump attacked legal entrapment efforts against him today, in a tweet kicking off the morning:
“There was no collusion (it is a Hoax) and there is no Obstruction of Justice (that is a setup & trap). What there is is Negotiations going on with North Korea over Nuclear War. Negotiations going on with China over Trade Deficits. Negotiations on NAFTA, and much more. Witch hunt!”
Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller first leaked “40 Questions” he intended to ask President Trump to the media, and he then put out the rumor that he may subpoena Trump, if he doesn’t agree voluntarily to the trap. Mueller has implied that if Trump refuses to be interviewed by him, it could be construed as “obstruction of justice,” a well-known desperation charge by prosecutors when all else fails.
Meanwhile Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is also on the defensive over his continued stonewalling on delivery of the records that Congressional committees have demanded from the Justice Department for months—for which at least Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes threatened to launch impeachment proceedings against him. Rosenstein whined that he would not be “extorted” by such legitimate demands:
“I can tell you that there are people who have been making threats privately and publicly against me, and I think they understand now that the Justice Department is not going to be extorted.”
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) leaders Ray McGovern and Dr. William Binney state that, after a year of investigating whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, that by his latest demands, Robert Mueller has in effect “admitted that he has hit a dry well.” So, the Mueller “braintrust,” instead of “throwing in the towel,” is making another attempt to trick the President into helping the prosecution. Thus, the trumpeting of the New York Times’s lead story May 1 by Michael S. Schmidt, “Questions for President Show Depth of Inquiry into Russian Meddling.” Mueller’s legal team has prepared over four dozen questions for Trump “on an exhaustive array of subjects.” McGovern and Binney write this represents “Not depth, as in the earlier headline, but breadth. Deep dry well already dug.” Included are “open-ended” questions like, “What happened during Mr. Trump’s 2013 visit to Moscow?” And, as the authors have shown, if there was anything there, the National Security Agency would already have it.