Netanyahu To Meet Putin in Moscow May 9
May 6, 2018 (EIRNS)—With Israel apparently on the verge of launching war against Iran, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will be traveling to Moscow on May 9 to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The May 5 morning edition of Times of Israel reported that Netanyahu told his cabinet that it’s better to have war with Iran now than later. “We are determined to block the Iranian entrenchment [in Syria], even at the cost of confrontation,” Netanyahu said at the start of the cabinet meeting. “We don’t want an escalation, but we are prepared for every scenario. We don’t want confrontation, but if there needs to be one, it is better now than later.”
Netanyahu also highlighted the importance of his upcoming meeting with Putin.
“My meetings with the Russian President are always important for the [Israeli Defense Forces] IDF and the country, but the meeting this week is especially important in light of the attempts by Iran to establish itself in Syria,”
Netanyahu said.
Russia, however, considers Iran a strategic partner in the stabilization of Syria, and is unlikely to support any actions by Israel that will threaten that.