Gulf Cooperation Council Nations Solicit the Belt and Road
May 14, 2018 (EIRNS)—The Belt and Road Initiative was warmly endorsed by Bahrain’s Minister for Transportation and Telecommunications Kamal bin Ahmed Mohammed, on behalf of Bahrain and the six countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)—Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Qatar—at a conference held in Bahrain May 10-11.
“The Belt and Road Initiative is ambitious and broad in its nature.... We think China always will look for a new market for their services; they are manufacturing goods, every day they’re increasing their production and we can be the market for these goods,”
Ahmed Mohammed said. “We also have a lot projects [going on] and ... there will be a need for Chinese goods and products.”
The Bahraini Minister also said that there is a
“great opportunity for the GCC countries; the infrastructure already exists, already we have the routes and the [trade] corridor available ... and there are a lot of areas in which both regions, China and the GCC, can benefit each other. It’s a win-win for both sides.”
In offering Bahrain and the Gulf countries as another “hub” for the BRI, Ahmed Mohammed proffered the Gulf’s oil and commodities in exchange for the BRI’s infrastructure and know-how.