Dirt Revealed on Halper Sting Operation on Trump Campaign ‘Is Just the Beginning’
May 23, 2018 (EIRNS)—Interviewed on the Simon Conway Show on Des Moines radio station WHO-AM on May 21, former Trump campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis reported that he had met with British/FBI operative Stefan Halper, and believed that Halper was attempting to establish an “audit trail” that would provide the FBI with justification to obtain warrants to spy on members of the campaign.
“They were trying literally to plant evidence or create an audit trail that would lead investigators onto something. They then would have justification to go back for their [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] warrants and all their other things,”
he said, speaking of the FBI and Halper.
Clovis said his meetings with Halper were quite low level, dealing largely with academics, but that Halper had used a previous meeting with Carter Page to gain access to Clovis, which he then used to set up a meeting with campaign aide George Papadopoulos.
“What unsettled me ... is the fact of what he tried to do with George Papadopoulos, and that was to establish an audit trail from the campaign or somebody associated with the campaign, back to those Clinton emails—whether or not they existed, we don’t know.... This to me appears to have been a deliberate and intentional effort on the part of the leadership of the FBI to create something that did not exist, and that is exactly what this looks like.”
Former Trump campaign manager Michael Caputo reported on Fox’s Laura Ingraham show that at least one other government informant was attempting to be planted in the Trump campaign.
“This person ... is not the only person who came at the campaign. And the FBI is not the only Obama agency who came at the campaign. I know because they came at me, and I’m looking for clearance from my attorney to reveal this to the public. This is just the beginning,”
Caputo said.
Add to this picture, that Paul Manafort’s lawyer, Kevin Downing, filed a motion in court on May 21, charging that Senior Assistant Special Counsel Andrew Weissmann had leaked information to the Associated Press last spring on the investigation into Manafort’s financial records. One day after that meeting, AP published a major exposé disclosing alleged Manafort money-laundering. FBI officials filed an official complaint against Weissmann, for failing to follow normal procedures in dealing with the media. Robert Mueller protégé and lead prosecutor Weissman has a history of prosecutorial misconduct going back to the 1990s, and is a very close Clinton ally.