Grassley Nails Simpson and Steele on Post-Election Operations Against Trump
May 30, 2018 (EIRNS)—Sen. Chuck Grassley responded by letter to Sen. Chris Coons, a Democrat on Grassley’s Judiciary Committee, who had challenged Grassley to investigate an apparent discrepancy between testimony by Donald Trump, Jr. and claims in a New York Times article, by stating that only contradictions in sworn testimony constitute a crime. In illustrating his point, Grassley then reveals a real crime—that of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson in lying to the Congress, and exposing further criminal activity by British spy Christopher Steele, who wrote the “Trump dossier” for Fusion GPS, in the process.
Grassley states that Simpson told his Judiciary Committee in August 2017 that he had done no work on the Russia investigation, for which Fusion was paid by the Democratic National Committee, after the election, saying “I had no client after the election.” But, the House Intelligence report revealed declassified FBI documents detailing an interview with Daniel Jones, a former FBI employee and a staffer on Dianne Feinstein’s Senate Select Intelligence Committee, in which Jones says he formed an investigatory organization called Penn Quarter Group which had hired Fusion GPS after the election, to continue looking for Russian ties to the Trump campaign. He also said he raked in $50 million from rich backers to carry out this work, and that he intended to provide the results to the Congress, the press, and the FBI.
Thus Simpson lied under oath, breaking the law.
Grassley slyly adds in a footnote that he doesn’t know if “Mr. Jones has fed Fusion’s information to the Minority as part of his investigation.”