Ambassador to Moscow Huntsman in U.S. To Work on Trump-Putin Summit
June 4, 2018 (EIRNS)—Fox News, CNBC, and other press are now reporting that U.S. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman is back in the United States to work on a summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
On June 1 the Wall Street Journal put out its story that a Trump-Putin summit was in the works; now more details have come out in an interview with Ambassador Huntsman. On Sunday morning, June 3, he appeared on “Fox and Friends” broadcast anchored by his daughter, Abby Huntsman. She asked, “Some news leaked out a few nights ago that a summit is ‘possible’ between Vladimir Putin and President Trump. What’s the reality of that ultimately happening?”
The Ambassador replied:
“As it relates to any potential meeting, it would be a ways off, and the President at the right time will say what needs to be said, and the White House will issue an announcement. But I think the President has said before he’d like to get together with President Putin at some point and solve some of the issues between us, and that’s a good thing.... To make all that happen, you have to have both sides willing to meet and I think we’ve got both sides that would look favorably on that. You have to have a place, you have to have a time, and you have to have an agenda. ... It’s inconceivable to conclude that you could settle down the Middle East without the United States and Russia, dealing with this hornets’ nest of an issue called Syria. And it’s inconceivable that you could deal rationally with strategic stability and nuclear weapons when both of our countries possess 90% of the nuclear weapons.
“Isolation doesn’t fix things, it’s coming together. But you have to have deliverables and results,”
Ambassador Huntsman said.
There are reports that Huntsman may have been in the U.S. working on a summit for a month. He was scheduled to speak at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum May 25, but cancelled.