Senate Democratic Leaders Out To Sink North Korea Deal
June 5, 2018 (EIRNS)—Seven of the top Democrats in the Senate sent President Trump a letter on June 4 threatening that they intend to torpedo any deal reached with North Korea which does not meet their “conditions,” and they will do so through sanctions. This neo-con initiative follows the modus operandi of how Congress—there in bipartisan agreement—threw the monkey wrench of CAATSA (Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act) requiring sanctions on Russia, into the President’s efforts to put Russia-U.S. relations on a sound and friendly footing.
Led by Robert Menendez and signed by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, Mark Warner, Dianne Feinstein, Patrick Leahy and Sherrod Brown, the letter demands the administration involve Congress “throughout the diplomatic process” towards a deal. Any agreement reached must meet five conditions, they write, asserting that “Congress must act as a check on any agreement that does not live up to these principles by imposing tougher sanctions and oversight.”
Their “conditions” include that any agreement assures the permanent dismantling of all North Korea’s biological and chemical weapons programs, as well as its nuclear program (including enrichment), of its ballistic missile program (including space launches), and address “North Korea’s extensive military arsenal” generally. “Anywhere, anytime inspections and snap-back sanctions if North Korea is not in full compliance” must be specified in any agreement.
Oh, and by the way, they add, “we urge you to maintain a tough approach to China” during these negotiations, to ensure it, too, plays ball.