Brussels Has New Nightmares as Italy Names More Government Members
June 13, 2018 (EIRNS)— If the EU dinosaurs and the City of London were frightened by the first rank of the Italian government, they will be even more so by the 6 deputy ministers and 39 undersecretaries of state who were announced yesterday.
Belt and Road expert Prof. Michele Geraci was appointed Undersecretary of State to the Ministry for Economic Development. The MED, led by M5S Deputy Luigi Di Maio, includes Industry, Foreign Trade, Communications and Labor. It is not clear which jurisdiction Geraci will have. Shortly before his appointment, Geraci wrote an article on 11 sectors in which Italy should cooperate with China.
Top Euroskeptic Prof. Luciano Barra Caracciolo was appointed Undersecretary of State to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, responsible for European Affairs. Barra Caracciolo is known for his uncompromising criticism of the EU Treaties for violating the fundamental articles of the Italian Constitution. He has often cited EIR in his blog “Orizzonte48.” From his post under Prime Minister Conte he will work in tandem with European Affairs Minister Paolo Savona.
Alessio Villarosa, who led the fight for Glass-Steagall in the previous Parliament for the M5S and has been in dialogue with LaRouche activists in Italy, is Undersecretary to the Economy (Treasury and Finance) Ministry.
Barra Caracciolo has signed a petition for a Glass-Steagall style bank separation, issued by the Movimento Internazionale per i Diritti Civili—Solidarietá (Movisol), the association of Lyndon LaRouche in Italy. Other signers include Massimo Garavaglia (Economy), Stefano Candiani (Interior), Armando Siri (Infrastructure), all of them among the new appointees.