Global Times: Trump-Kim Summit Demonstrates ‘A New Logic of International Politics’
June 13, 2018 (EIRNS)—China’s Global Times published an editorial yesterday which displays important insight into the strategic significance of yesterday’s Trump-Kim summit in Singapore, which a half-year ago no one even dreamed was possible. “A certain force is pushing such seemingly impossible things toward becoming possible. This force is the new logic of international politics in the 21st century.” The editorial goes on to argue that “It is necessary to keep injecting momentum into the process. Boosting North Korea’s enthusiasm is crucial.” Then, harkening back to the discussion of Confucius and Mencius at the just-concluded SCO Summit, the editorial states:
“The U.S. may need to borrow some wisdom from Eastern philosophy. If it can have favorable interactions with North Korea and do away with its hostile attitude toward the country, the result will only be better.”
A second Global Times editorial warned of the perils faced by President Trump:
“After dealing with North Korea for a few rounds, Trump’s team has developed a more realistic mindset on the issue. But his domestic foes probably would rather mess everything up, prioritizing embarrassing Trump above protecting the long-term interests of the U.S.”
Some voices in the West have also registered that a sea-change in world politics is underway. James Pinkerton, writing in the American Conservative, said that
“It truly seems that an old era is finally ending and a new era, for better or worse, is beginning.... The stakes are, after all, high; the basic geopolitical foundations of the last seven decades are being challenged and shifted.... Yet, in the meantime, even as his myriad foes prepare their next political, legal and punditical attacks, Trump is the man astride the world stage, smiling, shaking hands, signing deals—and unmistakably remaking the old order.”
Pinkerton served on the White House staff under both Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, and today leans towards a libertarian outlook.