The Hysteria and Lies against Trump Reach New Levels
June 20, 2018 (EIRNS)—The level of controlled hysteria and political vitriol unleashed against President Donald Trump regarding the separation of children during criminal proceedings of their parents reached new levels over the past 24 hours. Democrats announced a nationwide demonstration for June 30, centered on the White House, complete with recordings of babies crying, claiming they are of separated children (does anyone not know that all babies cry?), pictures of children in cages, and so on.
Hollywood, of course, is the source of the most extreme. After Robert De Niro screamed “Fuck Trump” at the Tony Awards event, Peter Fonda today issued a tweet in all caps, which has since been deleted:
“We should rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mother will stand up against the giant asshole she is married to. Fuck.”
Melania Trump notified the Secret Service.
With President Trump ordering an end to the separations, we will see what they come up with next.