Trump, Kim Peace Dividend Keeps Expanding
June 25, 2018 (EIRNS)—Following on Donald Trump’s cancellation of “provocative” military exercises off the shores of North Korea, the North Korean government of Kim Jong-un has now announced the cancellation of one of its own displays of anti-Americanism, the annual “Victory in the Fatherland Liberation War” celebration, commemorating the victory of the Korean War.
As close to the identity of a North Korean as the Fourth of July is to an American, the Victory celebrations actually fill a full month of nationalistic events, the Korean War having started on June 25, 1950 and ended on July 27, 1953. As described today by Associated Press,
“Fist-pumping, flag-waving and slogan-shouting masses of Pyongyang residents normally assemble each year for the rally to kick off a month of anti-U.S., Korean War-focused events designed to strengthen nationalism and unity.”
Last year’s opening rally reportedly brought over 100,000 people to Kim Il Sung Square.
Additionally, writes AP, North Korea has “noticeably toned down its anti-Washington rhetoric,” both leading up to and following the June 12 summit, with a “42-minute documentary-style news special” on the event, which began airing immediately following Kim’s return from Singapore. On top of the New Paradigm message, they report, “the program was also quite likely the first time [North Koreans] they had ever seen what Trump looks like.”
Beyond North Korea, UPI today is reporting that Japan “confirmed Friday [June 22] it will cancel future missile evacuation drills involving civilians,” Tokyo’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga stating that, with the easing of tensions, the drills are no longer necessary. “The urgent situation of Japan’s guarantee of security has been alleviated by the U.S.-North Korea summit,” Suga said. “We will for the moment hold off on nine kinds of civilian evacuation drills in Tochigi and Kagawa Prefectures.”