López Obrador Team Preparing Big Drug Legalization Push in Mexico
July 7, 2018 (EIRNS)—Mexican President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) announced on July 5 that he had invited U.S. President Donald Trump to attend his Dec. 1 inauguration. Three days earlier, AMLO had reported that in their 30-minute phone conversation on July 2, he had proposed to Trump that they cooperate on joint development projects in Mexico to help stem the flow of desperate migrants to the U.S.
Trump and his team would do well to make sure that that is indeed the central agenda item between the U.S. and Mexico—and that they include China and its Belt and Road Initiative in those economic plans—and not a British-run operation to introduce Obama-style drug legalization, and worse, into North America through the back door. A powerful grouping around AMLO, centered on the person he has announced will be his all-important Interior Minister, Olga Sánchez, has presented a plan calling for marijuana decriminalization, state-run poppy production for “medical opioids,” amnesty negotiations with drug-runners, and an overall Colombia-style “peace plan”—i.e. a de facto capitulation to London’s Dope, Inc.
The operation is being run under the rubric of calling for “Transitional Justice,” a piece of supranational sophistry concocted by the International Center for Transitional Justice, a Soros-linked outfit which claims responsibility for the Blair-Santos Colombian “peace plan” with the FARC, among other achievements. They are trying to sell this to the violence-weary Mexican population as the only way to bring “peace” to the country, and stop the violence which has led to 200,000 drug-related assassinations since 2006.
Sánchez, who was a Supreme Court justice in Mexico from 1995-2015, told Reuters in a July 6, 2018 interview (i.e., after AMLO’s election) that the new government’s approach would be to apply “transitional justice”: “Not only will it be amnesty, it will be a law to reduce jail time. We will propose decriminalization, create truth commissions, we will attack the causes of poverty, we will give scholarships to the youth and we will work in the field to get them out of the drug situation.”
Reuters then wrote:
“To consider the possibility of a negotiated peace, Sánchez’s team has studied Colombia’s peace process with its biggest guerrilla group [the FARC], which allowed rebel leaders to avoid prison. After the Mexican plan is reviewed by López Obrador, Sánchez said the amnesty idea would be presented as a public referendum [as was done in Colombia]. If it receives public support, the administration would then put it before Congress.”
In a June 13, 2018 interview with El Economista, Sánchez was asked about her proposal for amnesty and how that would apply to “areas such as the Guerrero mountains where people cultivate poppy.” Sánchez replied: “We have to start thinking about decriminalizing drugs. That’s the way it’s going: to a policy of decriminalizing drugs. Obviously marijuana.” Asked if she was talking only about marijuana, she stated:
“Marijuana for recreational use, and the whole chain; I’m going to propose this to Andrés Manuel. The decriminalization of marijuana planting, harvesting, trafficking and recreational use. Regarding poppy, it’s advisable to do what Afghanistan has done. It’s highly valued for pharmaceuticals and for medical use.”
In a July 3 Milenio op-ed, Sánchez argued the straight Soros line:
“The world war on drugs has failed.... It is known that the U.S. is the main consumer of drugs in the world; and 23 or its 50 states have [legal] cannabis markets for recreational and medicinal use. Uruguay, Switzerland and New Zealand have successfully taken the first step in opting for legalization through a responsible regulatory context, based on medical, sociological, economic and political evidence.”