Detailed Coverage of LaRouche Candidate Wieczorek in South Dakota
July 17, 2018 (EIRNS)—The Yankton, South Dakota Daily Press & Dakotan ran a detailed article on LaRouche movement candidate Ron Wieczorek today by Reilly Biel, introduced by a large photo of the farmer candidate. “Above all else,” it began, “Ron Wieczorek says he wants his grandchildren to have the best future possible available to them.” Biel identified Ron as “a Lyndon LaRouche Democrat running on the independent ticket.” Wieczorek explains that he is in the Democratic tradition of FDR and JFK, and the Republican tradition of Abraham Lincoln. “He is also an admirer of one-time South Dakota governor and three-term senator Peter Norbeck, who is known for his work investigating Wall Street after the crash of 1929.”
“We need more of that mentality again,” Wieczorek is quoted. Pointing to massive debt bubbles, he said:
“I don’t care whether you talk about student loan debt, car debt, or home mortgages; the corporate debt is totally out of control. We’ve got corporations borrowing money to buy their own stock to drive the market up. That’s a lunacy that shouldn’t be permitted to happen.”
The author writes that he “isn’t critical of President Trump’s recent tariffs.” Wieczorek describes the British free trade practices, and asks rhetorically, “How do you build a trade system based on looting your customer?” Then he zeros in on the American System: “This country was built on tariffs and duties. We didn’t have a Federal Reserve or income tax until the early 1900s. That’s when we did away with the parity system, except for that period under Roosevelt and Kennedy.”
The Daily Press reported that
“Instead of alienating people, Wieczorek seeks to establish friendly relations with other nations in an effort to prevent potential conflicts down the road. He practiced this in the early 1990s when he organized shipments of milk powder to Baghdad. ... ‘I didn’t want those young kids to be the enemies of my grandchildren.’ ”
The author says,
“For years, he has been passionate about reinstating the Glass-Steagall Act, a piece of legislation that prevented the undue diversion of funds into speculative operations. Its repeal in 1999 has had disastrous consequences that led to the Great Recession of 2008-2009, he said.”
Then Wieczorek is directly quoted:
“Today, we have international bankers telling our government what to do.... They’re not representatives of the people. The representatives are supposed to be guys like me who are going to Washington. That has to happen, or we will lose our country, and my grandchildren deserve a future.”